What will I do?

What will I do?

Every time I look at you,

I see your father too.

But what if he comes for you?
Those eyes

Those twinkling, charming young eyes he used to have.

Yes, I’ve gone mad.

But you look so much like your dad.
You may think I’m gone. Away with the wind again.

I promise I won’t let him get you. Not now. Like it wasn’t then.

And I swear, on my own life, that he won’t get you. Or cause you pain. Or strife.
But when I look at you

There’s not much I can do. 

You look just like him. The man I used to love.

And when he, shattered my dreams, took my heart, I thought it was all over but you were my new start.

Yes my son. 
Love is a strong word. I promise it’s not true. 

The only love I have, is my love for you.
You may think I’m gone. Away with the wind again.

I promise I won’t let him get you. Not now. Just like it wasn’t then.

And I swear, on my own life, that he won’t get you. Cause you pain, cause you strife.

But what will I do?

When I look at you.

I see him too.

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